We made our way downwards; stopping at the reptiles and say 'hi' to the elephants (They are proud of their new baby elephant and it was blessed by Buddist monks at a ceremony which took place on the day of our visit.) The elephant house was built in the shape of the Temple at Amritza. It was built in 1915. Such a thing could not be built today. We passed the giraffes and apes. We had lunch. Zoe had some time at the childrens zoo and climbing frame.
The highlight of the visit was the seals and sealion display. It was really hot and really crowded. At one point we were told to watch a sealion jump up to touch a ball. I held the camera ready. The crowds appluaded. Were was the sealion? Jumping to different ball - actually the one in the centre of the three hanging balls. How silly. Not very bright - these sealions.

To return to the top there is a cable car which mum refused to take. However, she was waiting at the top when we got off the car.

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