Thursday, February 2, 2012

Back in Auckland

Firstly, apologies for the old blog from 2008, which suddenly made its appearance.

We start again in Auckland. It is Zoe's last day of the Summer holiday. She has opted to make another visit to Rainbows End. This time it is with her dad and Irene. I am left 'holding the baby'. In this case it is a delightful four year old.

She has been dropped off at Kindergarten and my first task will be to collect her at 11.45. I now have a couple of hours which I use to, empty the dishwasher, do a general clear up and complete the Rotorua blog.

I am now steeling myself up to start the child minding bit. I leave at 11.30 and arrive four minutes later; in time to hang about round the kindergarten with parents and other child minders. I get confused as I have to sign out for Emily. She has already been signed for. I look again; another Emily has already been collected. The door open. I say 'Now for the scary bit'. A lady next to me says that she will help me if I help her as it is her first time. With Emily collected we walk home. The lady introduces me to her husband. It turns out that the are also UK grandparents, staying for some time.

Back home we have a bit of lunch together and she is happy to watch tv and potter while I work on my old negatives.

The trio arrive back having had a great time. Zoe has again been on the log flume. The three had a round of golf and now Emily chooses to have a dressing up time.

This is followed by a pool time. I am reluctantly persuaded to join in. The games seem to centre around me and consist of find the treasure with Zoe, drag Emily around the pool and aim a ring to land around granddad's neck.
The evening consists of getting Zoe's things ready for school. There is a huge amount of stuff to take. It is hard to calculate the cost of the stuff they have to take which includes pencils to make a class set, board markers and personal stationary. They also need to take $75 for trips and swimming. A further 'voluntary' contribution of $400 will be requested later. No one seems to mind as in poorer areas the state provide more funding.

We watch up the latest images on the big screen and then time for bed.

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