The week following was to be mainly child care duties. On Sunday
morning it was our usual trip to the Hillside Community Church. After this we
set off to Point England. I have to say that at about this time the temperatures
began to move to extremes. More than one person said that the temperatures were
at the highest that they had known.
Last time we visited Point England was two years ago on the
evening before we flew to our adventures around Christchurch. This time it was
a very hot Sunday afternoon. Large family groups of Maori families had set up camp and
were busy barbequing. We walked further than last time and caught a glimpse of
the rear of the spit. From this view point it is hard to believe the amount of
business around Mt Wellington. It looks quite idyllic.

The next day was more domestic. The first thing was to take the girls for a hair do. While they did this I went shopping at PAK'nSAVE. My next task was to take Emily to her tutor. Earlier Emily had reported ear trouble and so the next thing was to drop the girls off at the doctors. There was nothing serious and pain killer was prescribed. This gave us time for Zoe and Emily to have an hour at ‘Skate’. This is roller and in-line skating.

After we got back we managed a short dip in the pool before the girls returned and then we played Muggins.
The next day there were some health issues with the girls and
we were in for the day. Zoe had a stiff neck and the doctor attributed it to the possibility of over-cooling by air-con in the night.
It was an exciting start to Friday I drove her to endless
dairies in search of jam for the pancakes. This ended in failure as all the
strawberry jams had pips. Then I had a drive to take Emily to her tutor.
We had a much more interesting afternoon. We took the girls
to Cornwall Park. On the way we called into a remodelled McDonalds. Mum thought
it was good that you could view all the products and make an easier choice.
The trip to Cornwall Park was to the Star Dome. We were early
for the 2.00 pm show and the girls had time to play. Once more there was a
flying fox. We were fortune that at the swinging tyres a young mum was able to
supply the energy needed.
Star Dome is what it says. The show was about the work of an astronaut.
It was followed by a presentation of the night sky tonight. At least 4 planets
would be visible and these appearing to be in a straight line.
After this was a surprise. Apparently we had arrived for the
last holiday session and we were taken over to the laboratory were the children
played with scientific things. The session ended by an outside display of
rocket launching.
Muriwai was our Saturday morning destination. It is on the
west coast and we have been numerous times to see the gannet colony. After
taking more photographs at the colony (I am particularly pleased with a couple)
we drove down to the café for lunch. There was nowhere to park and we were
obliged to drive along the road towards the beach. It was the last weekend of
the summer holiday, it was hot and it was very busy. In places it was about as
crowded as Blackpool beach in July. Unlike Blackpool the sand was volcanic black
rather than oil black, the sea was blue and the waves white and ready for
On the way home we stopped for ice-cream in the café on the
edge of Muriwai. Later we stopped for shopping in a large supermarket. The
signs asked us to ‘Please enjoy the 90 minute parking’.
The last full week of the summer holiday ended in our usual
way with our visit to church. In the afternoon we drove off to see Hobson’s Bay
board walk.
The bay had gotten cut off from the sea, firstly by the railroad
and secondly by the road. There were channels through to the sea. Consequently mangroves
are taking over and the water level is dropping. However there was a small
beach and speed boats skimmed across the water.
The board walk is a triumph of wood engineering. It is quite beautiful
to look at. Along each part of the board walk was art work done by the local state
And that ended the first month of 2016 which is, in this country, the last week of the Summer Holidays.
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