Only one whole day left in NZ. Last things to do - places to go.
Last Friday and Saturday saw the social event of the year - Zoe's birthday. On Friday she was three. The extended celebrations began in the morning with the opening of a few special presents; including a microwave and a high chair. Sally had the day off and so we went a little later to Bear Park with a cake for morning tea to be shared with everybody there. It was a great event and a lot of fuss was made over it. The cake for this came from the 'Cheese Cake Factory' and had a 'Shrek' decoration. Later the evening meal was a family party and her mum had bought a 'Nemo' candle. Her nan had made a chocolate cake with a 'Nemo' decoration. More presents followed and the evening ended with Zoe trying out the bouncy castle which had been hired for party proper on Saturday.
Happy Nemo to You
Saturday arrived with two hours for the final preparations before 16 children and their parents descended on us. Fortunately the weather was excellent, but despite our own plans started with tea on the patio with 16 guests on hired small chairs by a row of three tables. The cake this time was a larger version of the 'Cheese Cake Factory' one. Apart from the bouncy castle there were lots of things for the children to do, and the adults enjoyed their own party and chin wag. The event ended with opening of more presents. After much tidying up the afternoon bought a rest for Zoe and an end to the day. Well almost. Two Ian's friends (the ones that ahd recently had a baby - earlier post) called in to give Zoe their present. This was a good opportunity for a BBQ and rugby for the men.
On Sunday we were cut off from the world (at least for the morning) by the 'Round the Bays' fun run. It ended in St Heliers and the runners etc. made their way to the tent city to enjoy the corporate enter tainment provided on the park outside the door. It was a hugh event only marred by a quarrel with bus drivers who had parked their coaches in next doors' drives and told Sally to mind her own business when she asked them to move. Zoe, dad and grandad paid a brief visit. Zoe enjoyed the bouncy castle which was an assault course of five connected bouncy things with six feet climbs and drops.

Fun Runners Enter Glover Park
I spent the morning hastily preparing photos from the party and other sources. Ian took me to Manakua City to be processed at Dick Smith Power House. We had over 200 images to print and had gone to Manakua assuming that it would be quite there. Unfortunately, so did numerous other people. (On Monday Ian reported that the Manakua store had printed 20,000 on that one day; the most for any store in NZ. Today, Tuesday, I went to collect them and at the same time I had four enlargements done instantly for $10; that is 80p each.
On Monday Zoe went with her mum and nan for a check up after a foot operation which happened just before our arrival in NZ. They have been pronounced perfectly straight. In the evening mum and I went for an evening walk to Ladies Bay, arriving in time to catch the sunset. The moon was beautiful on the water, but unphotographable. As we walked back I noticed that as I passed cliff walls and stone walls heat was radiating from them and they were hot to the touch. Having absorbed heat during the day they were now giving it out. Back home mum and I sat and played Scrabble, eat chocolate egg and drank whiskey. Whoops, I forgot to say that on Sunday morning we had an early celebration of Easter so that we could enjoy chocalate eggs and bunnies with the grand children.

Lights and Auckland Sunset
It is now 3:45 on Tuesday afternoon. The sky is as blue as it has been for the past few days and the temperature is high. (A bit of a up market version of our UK September days.) Emily should have had her immunisation, but when her mum went to collect her she found to have a high temperature. The injection did not happen, but having seen the doctor she is now asleep in her room next door to me. We wait the return of Zoe and her mum and then her day for our evening meal and hopefully a drive down to Point England to see the sunset over Rangitoto from their.
Tomorrow will be a day of last purchases and packing for depature the following day.
It is hard to get around the fact of how long we have been here, and also that we shall soon be regaining the day we lost at the beginning. I think that this is how it will work. On Thursday evening our plane takes off, we have a meal, watch a movie and tuck down to sleep. After thirteen hours, we wake up, have breakfast and land. It is Thursday morning in Los Angeles. We go to the hotel, have lunch, hopefully go on a tour of the city, go to bed, wake up on Friday morning, catch a plane, have brunch, watch some movies, fly for eleven hours and land in Heathrow on Friday morning. Can you see the flaw in this? (it could be called the internation date line.
My next post will be from the UK to describe our last day here our journey and our time in LA. I suppose when we get back we will always be Kiwis at heart. Keep posted. I'll let you know.
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